Space Elevator

From an intuitive standpoint the space between earth and sky appears vast, the landscape seems to move away from us in every direction, but really it is only thinly spread around the planet. We forget that space really isn't that far away, it's only about 80 km up. That's a sunday drive away! (At that point you would be in the thermosphere, the area above auroras that stretches further still.)

The elevator would move from a platform at sea up a huge cable made of super strong nanotubes. The whole thing would be powered by a lazer beam and it could cheaply transport cargo, and people, out of the atmosphere. I'm glad I'm alive to see these types of things in the works, even if it is just the beggining. Rockets are too expensive, use too much fuel and an elevator would be much more efficient. Plus it's really quite bizarre. I think it will help renew the publics interest in space and at the same time it could be humbling. It might help us to realize we are anchored to this thin veil of habitable space.

It is amazing that this is only possible due to Nano technology as well. The cable is made of Nano tubes. They are spun to create a fabric which is thirty times stronger than steele. I watched them spin the miniscule tubes in to tiny threads on Nova, it is the same as spinning fleece. It's strange to see it on a microscopic level. This huge undertaking will only be possible due to the strength of the very small. The estimates for the cable at the present is that it will be 3 feet wide and thinner than a sheet of paper.
Watch the program on the net at the Nova website

would you like to meet tomorrow for tea? on the moon?
This huge undertaking will only be possible due to the strength of the very small
Nano plays a part, a vital one. But it's really down to politics, organization and economics.
would you like to meet tomorrow for tea? on the moon?
Socks, I like the old fen saying "Next year in Luna City"
Very cool info!
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