Coffee Filter Experiments

These are part of an installation I wanted to come to fruition last week, but I ended up getting sick. Damn. As a result I am going to try to make it happen this coming wednesday. I'll post photos or video afterwards.

Today I decided to try to think of myself as a microcosm of humanity, a reflection of the larger whole: the body of our species in time. It's a new (additional) contemplation for me, and I hope that I can remind myself of it and alter my reactions to the world accordingly. I don't mean to limit or mask my actions, but to become more aware of where, what and when I am and how I fit into the larger whole. It is action with intention and thought.
We are social animals, we define ourselves by our relationships to others yet we feel strong separation. This postmodern age is so exciting, change is happening so quickly, but it's also such a social downer, in ways. It's easy to foget that we are a very short moment in what, I hope, to be a very long chain of life. We can only hope to work with passion, curiosity and kindness, to live to the fullest and to have others continue in this fashion. Now is it for you and I, but humanity is the sea.

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