
Clips and Jot Notes on Space, Science and Art.
I recently took part in a group drawing show curated by Angela Enman. It brought together a mix of artists using varried mediums to exploring mark making and drawing processes. Drawing can be as traditional as marks on paper, but it does not need to be limited to this, since it has more to do with being engaged, the process, markmaking (which is also a very slippery term to try to nail down). Everyone involved in the show had vastly different work, some of the drawings were created outside the gallery, quite a few were site specific.
The opening the next day went well, there was a good turn out regardless of the heavy rain and people seemed excited. My friend Nikolai made it out, and made a point to tell me he "wasn't bored", which may sounds bad, but really isn't. We've all been to way too many boring shows, where we just haven't felt engaged. Unfortunately, and as much as I hate to admit it, this is often the case.
Abby and her work: it's made of magnetite circle she extrated from beach sand near her home.She had a huge pendulum shift it around during the opening.