Thursday, July 19, 2007

This Week in the "Mini Galllery"

I have been working on more crocheted wire samples and I'm on my way to making something beautiful and werable for my good friend Lavanya.

I decided to use the sample from the weekend to test out my "Mini Galllery" or the half a box gallery as I affectionally call it from time to time. I made it out of three pieces of foam core and a sheet of grey paper. It's orginal purpose was for working out installations, but the small space has taken on a life of its own as a miniscule movable stage that floats around my room. I've always loved miniature worlds, sets, things within things, but then again who doesn't? If you have anything to display in the gallery send me a description, I'd love to "display" a variety of work, but be prewarned it's itty biddy.


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