I've been really getting into to dyeing lately, and now that it is sunnier and I am comfortable using the acid dyes I've been having a lot of fun with bright colours. I also have fallen in love with using knots and braids as resist. So much so that I now I almost can't bear to untie them and weave 'em up! Dana has since claimed my braided scarf and I am working on more of them. I have lots of ideas for projects with braids, I am working on some based on seaweed with bits of tumbled shells I find along the shore and some others based on life through electron microscopes. I am also planning on making cords that can be tied and untied by the wearer to reveal different colours based on their mood or what they are wearing. These feel like a cross between huge beaded necklaces and scarves. They are so chunky and tactile.
Now I am considering these my prototypes and I am excited about putting together a website and gallery of one of a kinds. This is me wearing red cords, the thin cord was originally a green/blue and top dyed scarlet. the thicker one is made of tweed singles in pink, straw and golden colours then tied and rainbow dyed fiery reds with a bit of gold and ocher.

Here is Dana wearing the braid scarf "prototype", braided and then rainbow dyed in a large pot. It is a rich earthy orange brown with bits of ultramarine, green and yellow.
If you would like me to make you something custom, or make a trade, let me know!