Mapping out our surroundings

Todays harvest was slim, we left late since I had been feeling sick earlier and spent a long while navigating the woods behind Mount Saint Vincent. There were so many fallen trees it was hard to move forward towards the campus without having to climb over or under a thick trunk every few minutes. A little St.johns Wort was about all we managed to pick up.
We did see some really neat orange mushrooms, but we don't know if ther are poisonous and its not best to experiment with something that could be noxious or a potential skin irritant.

We also found a long dirt road, which we followed for a while despite the "no tresspassing" and "private property" signs. We discovered a pond filled with waterlilies, but it was getting really dark and we didn't know where we going so we decided to head back. We went back through the woods behind the mormon church and went to run some grocery errands.
I'm glad that we are mapping out the areas near where we live. We are so often channeled through by signage, architecture, city planning, etc. We become unfarmiliar with our true surroundings. Never seeing some areas very close to us, deemed commercially useless they become "dead zones". Some are great greenspaces, others are manufactured, or a slow struggle between both. I feel it's nescessary for me to be able to visualize my surroundings. Not just the inside of my house, but outside and down the street. What does the land look like where I live? How can I get from point A to point B? What else lives here? Where am I anyway?

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